Leaving The Space...
Leaving The Space Within The Space
Cuddled the omnipotent
In pursuit of sensing bliss,
The diurnal clock withered
In the midst of the flow, the incessant.
The peripatetic meandered swiftly,
Parting time behind, garnered
Consideration, but never bothered
To grasp the gallery. The valour
Allured countless. The path was created
With each step of tranquillity. The serene
Form vanished as the formless ushered,
The smile became part of the being.
The omnipotent waited to absorb the form,
The form embraced, to be misted
As the formless, being a fragment yet to
Become a being of the inimitable self.
The eternally smiling misted in the realm,
Ever inhabiting the space.
After several years of being, the earth
Was encroached by concrete,
Leaving the natural inhabitant
To throttle and succumb within her.
Nature inundated with the deluge,
While the masters of the mind
Soared away; no traces of the
Weeds remain. A few breathe
To bring back 'soul of nature' back.
I live among the few, not visible
But present among the beautiful souls,
Smiling and occupying the available.
With the few, the earth breathes
Again. The sight of concrete is history,
Seeing nature blush and blossom.
It is not the same home seen years back;
It seems to be ages ago. Nature is comfortable,
Being within the commune. Greetings
Pour in, being for aeons. The time has arrived
To leave the commune, with no space
Available to be occupied within. The formless
Being with the smile chose to be infinite.
By Orbindu Ganga
From: India
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