Grey Thoughts

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The day has come and the jury is set,

The attorney presents his argument,

The jurist is clear on the premises,

The hopes of both parties now hanging on promises.

Court? Echoes through the room

As the judge's throat goes vroom

Like truck- he reads the verdict,

"After considering all evidence presented, the jury convict..."

Now this is the case with us,

When one treats another member of society like wuss.

Doing so sometimes with impunity,

Regardless of our firm stance on unity.

Thanks for the rule of law,

Else the poor would be subject to gnaw

By the rich who can't be outlawed,

As money would make reason flawed.

Or so I thought.

Judgement could still be bought,

As the mouths of officials are shut,

With figures which alone fill their guts.

Gone are the days of nobility,

When the worth of men was in integrity.

Now you'll be served,

According to the funds you reserved.

Justice for one, Justice for all!

A dream the government tried to forestall.

A mantra MLK Jr would sing,

Like hallelujah he'll let that anthem ring.

"I have a dream", a speech we all read,

A vision all should make their creed.

A time when rule of law is preserved,

And the age when true Justice will be served.

By Comano MacFriday

From: Nigeria


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