Just Another Ordinary Day
"Just Another Ordinary Day" is a poem about how a poet is creative day after day.
This is how his creative juices start out each day.
His muse wakes him up
at three in the morning,
when he really wants to stay asleep.
But thoughts pop into his brain
forcing him to wake up,
with no other choice
but to jot them down.
Thus, his day begins
before most people see the light of day,
but he doesn’t mind this routine,
since this is when
his best ideas spark.
While others work 9 to 5,
he climbs back beneath the covers
and sleeps til noon.
He reads a few poems with his morning juice
when it’s really afternoon,
leaving comments along the way
hoping to help a fellow writer
make it through another day.
Then it’s time to polish his words,
going through his poems one more time
before clicking the send button
for an editor to view.
Then he takes a break,
before it’s once again time to create
pieces to submit
before the due date.
This endless cycle keeps repeating
day after day,
as though it’s some sort of magic plan,
but he knows it’s just another ordinary day.
By Brenda Arledge
Website: https://hubpages.com/@brendaarledge
Instagram: brendajarledge
Twitter: aug10cj
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.arledge.3?mibextid=ZbWKwL