Grey Thoughts

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Immortal Lines By...

Immortal Lines By An Aging Poet

If wisdom could come from a joyless life
of a hundred years where love's never found
but hatred comes at the point of a knife,
then these lines offer hope with this poem's sound.

From dawn to dusk, life drifts—cold and resolved.
It is too grand and epic to give pause,
to care, for us: fate and being's too evolved!
The whys and wherefores, reasons for first cause

to know, escape us. We have only time:
time to find meaning in ourselves and God.
To surmount life and death takes lifetimes: rhyme,
or measure, fails to capture or to laud

how existence can be both cruel and kind;
like drought and rain, life starves or feeds the grass.
So, spend time with loved ones—seek friends and find
moments together to recall and pass.

By Ngoc Nguyen

From: United States

X: NgocNguyen53158