Chasing Perfection
I sat at the kitchen table
over a Blue Hawaiian,
which evaded perfectionism
over pushing through life alone.
Estella packed her shit,
took half the savings,
and told me the coin
she flipped landed
on the open road back
to Carolina.
North Carolina.
Estella settled on Spring Lake.
My father drank,
but I was nothing like him.
Maybe I should pick up
a bad habit.
It may break her heart
to know I’m shitfaced
over losing the warmth
of her love.
It could bring her back,
but most likely,
it’ll kill me instead.
Perhaps I should start
being the worst version
of myself.
My tears pooled
over the glass,
bringing me back to meeting her
at a waterfall in a southern state.
I pushed myself to my feet.
I buried my pride under the oak tree,
and headed to Carolina
where Estella had a candle-lit dinner,
wearing a T-shirt and jeans.
Estella’s long, red hair cascaded
to the small of her back,
spaghetti-stringy to die for.
Estella knew I couldn’t live
without her,
but I needed to show her more.
When I learned how to please her,
in shedding my judgment,
I found the good in me.
By Andy Cooper
From: United States
Twitter: AC0040