Grey Thoughts

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Brain Delay

Prescription for feelings...


Do you remember “Back in the Day,” when a child expressing their feelings, could prescribe them a regime of Ritalin, lasting for years, while they wither away?

Knowing what we know today, is those considered “Out of Control” and going their own way, are our most talented artist, not the product of a brain delay!

As adults, the same fate comes our way, to take a pill for depression and maybe an extra booster, to counteract the anxiety, for the side effect that comes into play...

Fixing comes from within, finding the hurt, soothing the pain and loving yourself with the compassion due, that once would have molded you, with different clay...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Parler/Gab/Fuzia: traceydoesrhymetime