At The Birth of Darrien
This is a poem inspired by the birth of my first grandchild.
Today I beheld a Miracle;
I was humbled I was awed.
When at the birth of Darrien
I glimpsed the face of God.
His very presence filled the room,
His love filled every heart,
As angels hovered lovingly
And urged new life to start.
Then came the sacred moment
I was so privileged to share;
When the crying of an infant
Fulfilled an ancient prayer.
Today I beheld the love of God
In its purest form.
He renewed his sacred vow to man
As Darrien was born.
That His love is unconditional,
That life will never end,
That He reaffirms His faith in us
With each new life that He sends.
Today my whole world shifted;
My perceptions rearranged,
As,with the birth of Darrien,
My entire life was changed.
For, today I beheld a miracle,
I was humbled, I was awed.
And, as I watched my child
Hold her child,
I glimpsed the face of God.
By Linda Troxell
From: United States