An ode to the lasting presence of John Steinbeck in Monterey
Go to the tidal pools.
Go when the weather’s foul.
Go alone to see life
left after the deluge.
Look in the shallow pools.
Look to the sea’s power.
Look for eternity
in delicate bounty.
Pass the clapboard houses.
Pass dew laden cypress.
Pass fishing ghosts waiting,
mending their dormant nets.
Hear the night bay rhythm.
Hear the water’s old voice.
Hear an easy rejoice,
coaxed by afternoon light.
Smell the fresh salted air.
Smell the slow burning oaks.
Smell the sweet fog finding
its self-charted courses.
You can feel the passed dream.
You can taste the lament.
You can still catch glimpses
of Steinbeck’s Monterey.
By Jonathan Dyer
From: United States
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