Grey Thoughts

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A Covenant With God…

A Covenant With God (For Jennifer on her third Christmas)

In our 21st century culture of consumerism , it isn't easy to keep in mind what we are actually celebrating at Christmas. It is wonderful to gather with friends and family, to exchange gifts, and eat our favorite foods. But that all pales when compared to the real meaning of Christmas.


Christmas is a time to remember

Just what life really means to us.

Who in our life is important

And who and what we can trust.

It can sometimes be confusing,  For glitter and lights tend to blind.

But it really is not as hard as it seems

If we keep this simple truth in mind.

God made a covenant with man

With the birth of His Son that night.

This is the message we must keep in our hearts

Through the tinsel, glitter, and lights. 

A long time ago in a manger

A child was given in love.

A special gift sent from God

To show man what he’s worthy of.

To nurture the child God chose the two

Who would love Him about all else.

So the child could grow into a man

With the qualities of God Himself.

In choosing the two who would parent His Son,

God made a covenant with all on this earth.

And His promise to man of unconditional love

Is renewed at each single birth.

Each child born into this world

Is a blessing and trust from on high.

To parent a child is an oath to God

That His trust will not be denied.

That just like the two who nurtured His Son,

We will love our children above all else.

Allowing them each to grow into adults

With the qualities of God Himself.

The day you were born I took that oath

To love you above all else.

Remembering you are first a child of God

Valuable unto yourself.

As part of my oath, I promised God

To teach you what's important in life.

And I will always help you see God,

Through the glitter of Christmas lights.

By Linda Troxell

From: United States


Instagram: humblyseekingthelord