Competing With Fluff

Fluff is needed to jazz up a local entertaining sporting event


Pulling strings Princess Lida created a racket instigating critics debating important issues. Paulie watched intently validating the other sides royal agenda and decision-making moves, defining who was physically better when a numerical system determined the title recipient.

“You think that staffing is going to work?” He asked.

“Why wouldn’t it?” Princess Lida snapped back, “scouts say very competitive and belongs at this level.”

“Okay,” Paulie didn’t argue, only listened.

A short time later Princess Lida’s strategic thinking seemed successful when her subject contested to be champion. Proud about the accomplishment, the future throne heir fulfilled proper duties saving Becky Sue and Paulie a seat despite the arena’s emptiness.

“Why isn’t anyone here?” Princess Lida questioned, observing the village gypsy yawn.

Shrugging his shoulders Paulie wondered if Jockuwin Buck would have the higher score, anointing Princess Lida’s find, victor.

“Maybe,” Becky Sue paused, “it needs a little.”

“A little,” Princess Lida commented, “what?”

“I have an idea,” Becky Sue whispered into Paulie’s ear.

Next time a sporting entertaining event appeared in the local newspaper’s community ‘things to do listing’ Becky Sue ignited a plan, dreamed up while reading beauty magazines.

“What is this?” Princess Lida’s aggressive tone shook those monitoring the registration desk.

“It’s my entry,” Becky Sue happily responded, “Fluffy Muffy,”

“Fluffy,” Princess Lida took a calming breath, “what?”

“Fluffy Muffy,” Becky Sue repeated, “no one loses when Fluffy is in the house.”

“Is she at this level?” Princess Lida’s foot stomped.

Out of nowhere Paulie entered, “who cares?”

“Prince Paulie,” Princess Lida’s facial veins showed, “you should act like a,”

“Aristocrat?” Paulie interrupted.

As the trio watched the bracket fortune unfold, turning fantasy into reality, the end soon arrived with Fluffy Muffy facing off against Jockuwin Buck. Unlike the previous staged spectacle playing to a ghostly audience this unscripted drama boasted standing room only ticket buyers.

Coming out wearing blonde pigtails and an innocent smile, Fluffy Muffy waved acknowledging supporters while Jockuwin Buck did not show any expression since the player was focused, battle born.

During the game Fluffy Muffy made the masses laugh and cheer, encouraging the attendees, order another round, relax and enjoy the afternoon delight.

When the festivities concluded, a tremendous applause erupted, and Princess Lida seemed very confused. “Did anyone actually win?” She inquired.

“Who cares?” Becky Sue and Paulie replied, “since when there is fluffiness, everyone goes home happy.”

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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