Grey Thoughts

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Restless body seeking

Peace of mind, she

Strolled along wet

Pavement, through

Small puddles soaking

Her shoes, constant

Drizzling rain soon had

Her shivering yet on

She wandered, no

Destination in mind or 

Rather any one but

Home where he was,

Drunk by now and

Looking for a target,

Not for fists but vitrolic

Words to toss at, acid

Ate her stomach, trying

Not to think about the

Mess her choices had

Landed her in once

Again, she longed for

The comfort of loving

Arms, laughter, days

Past that disappeared,

As he had, in too much

Beer and his inner fear

Of failure, she stopped

On the bridge to stare

Into murky water below

And for a brief moment

Saw a solution, then

Turned and trudged on

As the dim light over

The door of the

Women's Shelter

Beckoned, offering

A chance for a bed as

Tomorrow would be

A new day.

By Gail Constable

From: Canada

Instagram: witch_of_words1955