Grey Thoughts

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Love And Goodbyes

Sitting at your

Bedside reading from

The book we love,

I watch the struggle

Of your breathing

In the rise and fall

Of your chest, reach

To hold the hand

That held mine so

Tightly walking me

To school, arms now

Thin and still, once

Comforted me with

Hugs, parched lips were

So soft as they kissed

My cheek goodnight,

In the rasp from your

Throat I hear the

Music of your laughter

As we flew kites high

In the sky, so much I

Want to say to fill

The sudden silence,

Please kiss the moon

Good night as you

Travel to the stars,

I will read that book

To my child and until 

We meet again, I will

Hold you in memories

Of your love and life.

By Gail Constable

From: Canada

Instagram: witch_of_words1955